DBE » Distance Learning » Distance Learning During COVID-19

Distance Learning During COVID-19

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Distance Learning Video Updates


Principal's Message

Greetings! I am sure there is a lot of concern and wonder from everyone right now as we are faced with an unprecedented time in our world's history. I want to assure you that we are here for you!
All of our teachers have been hard at work preparing rich virtual learning opportunities for our students. Our teachers will begin facilitating sessions online and it is strongly encouraged that you ensure your child is logging in to Canvas. Now more than ever, it is important for you to set up a Parent Canvas Account. The directions regarding how to do this can be found by clicking the Canvas Parent Account Support from the menu below. You will also find other resources pertaining to internet assistance for those who currently do not have internet connection at home and online learning resources for students.
Our district office has set up a time for you to pick up a laptop if your child needs one during this time. If you miss that opportunity, and still need a device, please call our school office and set up a time to pick up a student laptop (378-2423). 
Additionally, our district office is continuing to provide breakfast and lunch for all students who are 18 and under. With the help of our awesome transportation department, several of our district & school personnel will be delivering breakfast and lunch. If your child hasn't been receiving breakfast or lunch and he or she needs one, please email me at [email protected]. 
Again, we love you, we miss you, and we want to continue providing support for you! If you need anything, please email me!
Shanna Hensley